Is this really my body?

Do you feel like your body is not yours, at least not what you remember it being and you want the old one back?

Many people who are ill look at themselves in the mirror and just want to take the mask off, it’s not who they remember but rather the face of the person they have become.

What changes us on our illness journey?

Many things!

  • fatigue

  • aches and pain

  • stress

  • high and low emotions

  • mental anguish

  • sickness

  • depression

  • anxiety

  • low morale and mood swings

  • lack of motivation

  • sleeplessness

  • skin disorders

What helps overcome these factors

  • support

  • understanding

  • calming our systems - brain, nerves, gut etc.

  • holistic awareness

  • eating to overcome inflammation

  • knowing our history

  • spiritual connection

  • quality friendships

  • family support

  • belief in change and healing

  • exercise - as small as it may be

  • new positive habits

  • reflecting in the moment

  • forgiving self and others

  • Trauma release

  • Quality breathing methods

    and much more.

At Directly Connected we can help with both lists, healing and with changing old patterns and habits. All facets of what Directly Connected offers within its healing package will support your healing and well-being.

Keith Jackson

Healing for all types of illness and dysfunction. Spiritual body alignment, dark entity removal, and connection to spirit / the universe.

Pillars of Health


Cells, Fascia, & The Nervous System