Services and Pricing


About the healing process!

We all want to be healthy, you have landed here to start the process - to see what’s on offer and if it’s affordable. Both healing packages offer a very unique & life changing suite of inclusions, however, they may not always meet the specific needs of everyone and as such Keith can provide a service and price specific to your needs. May the information provided help in making your decision. All healing is offered and completed with the deepest love and compassion.

  • All healing & services can be provided remotely over Zoom or similar, you need not be present yet should you prefer I can visit you or you me subject to location.

  • Either a recording of the identified problems (& cause if apppliable) can be provided or we can connect and provide a live & accurate account of the problems. If the problem is known and only a healing is required, this can be done, yet know that some diagnosis is not accurate.

  • We link to you via your unique vibration, all we need is your full name, or phone number, picture, email address or you on the phone or computer. Your vibration is unique, its a signature and never changes, only the frequency changes depending on your health, vitality, mood, etc, the higher the frequency the better and the healthier you are!

  • Healing will not harm you, it is for your highest good and intention and directed with your best interest at heart.

  • The time it takes to heal will alter depending on each persons requirements but generally the modalities I use provide reasonably quick healing (subject to diagnosis). We check on progress and will apply more healing if and when needed but generally only one healing is required.

  • Group healings are available.

  • Healing is available for most ailments, dysfunction & disease, you will be advised if we cannot assist fully or at all.

  • No guarantee is offered yet we intend to heal, results speak loudly.

I prefer that you contact me before making an appointment to ensure you receive the correct service.

Services & Pricing

  • Healing focusing on a specific item or area of concern, eg headache, shoulder or back pain, sore gut, a virus etc.

    Plus ... Essence Optimisation. These unique & invisible components of the body (your being regions) nearly always need alignment. It is a very special & rewarding service.

    Additionally, we will provide advise & direction to support & activate your life.

    Also included if identified ...
    . Trauma Lifting
    . Karma Lifting
    . Chakra Alignment
    . Body Rhythm Balancing

    Comes with either ...
    1. a recorded message with details of problem and cause (when known) plus life advice & optimisation.
    2. or an online or in-person discussion about problems and cause (when known) plus life advice & optimisation.

    Price: 150.00 NZD

  • A comprehensive Physical Body healing session that covers many ailments, dysfunctions, & diseases.

    Plus ... Essence Optimisation. These unique & invisible components of the body (your being regions) nearly always need alignment. It is a very special & rewarding service.

    Additionally, we will provide advise & direction to support & activate your life.

    Also included if identified ...
    . Trauma Lifting
    . Karma Lifting
    . Chakra Alignment
    . Body Rhythm Balancing

    Comes with either ...
    1. a recorded message with details of problem and cause (when known) plus life advice & optimisation.
    2. or an online or in-person discussion about problems and cause (when known) plus life advice & optimisation.

    With basic verbal discussion.

    Price: $300 NZD

  • If you have heard of Reiki, this wonderful service is similar but uses a different non-contact and guided modality to energise and correct the body so it feels more usable, flexible and how you want it to feel. Bring on the energy!

    $95.00 NZD

  • Using the incredible spiritual modality of Meli an SBA is a wonderful way to have your musculoskeletal body aligned without physical touch or manipulation. SBA can be undertaken in person or remotely. This is a high-level correction/remedy modality that can be used as an alternative to physio, chiropracty, and osteopathy. Feel aligned, straightened, and satisfied.

    95.00 NZD

  • Symptoms can persist and be debilitating after a bout of covid (any strain) and esp when it transforms into long covid. Likewise covid vaccinations can take their toll and affect varying parts of the body.

    Before healing we will check to determine if in fact there is any vaccination damage - which can be done for any vaccine.

    There is opportunity to heal from Covid, Long Covid and Covid vaccination side affects.

    $115.00 NZD

  • Available for all animals.

    $195 NZD

    If time goes goes beyond one hour I have the right to discuss and charge an additional fee

    $115 NZD for additional healing sessions plus any travel costs if on-site healing is preferred.

    Reduced healing charges for some pets will be considered.

  • Take the opportunity to ascend the dimensions and become closer to the universe and your authentic self as you develop and grow your spiritual connection and beliefs. Most humans sit in the 3rd dimension, some are lower, however, the goal is to have as many people as possible move to the 5th Dimension. My team & I have been given the ability and opportunity to ascend people to the 8th dimension, there are 13 dimensions in all. In ascending, you will become more aligned in life and spend more time at higher frequency.

    Some people see and feel results immediately, others don’t, it’s a timing thing & you will receive when it is your time to align but it will happen.

    Price: $100.00 NZD

  • Ghosts are souls who for whatever the reason have not passed over on death.

    Ghosts can be quite, pranksters and cause mischief, others can be harmful.

    I can communicate with these souls and ask the good one’s if they wish to go home (pass-over), most do yet some prefer to stay.

    Harmful or nuisance ghosts will generally always be sent home.

    See: Blog

    $110.00 NZD

  • There are many & varying types of dark spiritual tools (& some 'light' spirit tools) that interfere with humans and many affect the brain, each in it's specific way.

    We will review & identify which may be affecting the person, some have almost instant impact, some are more subtle in their approach making it harder to notice the impact.

    Refer Blog Dark energies, entities & magick. Blog

    $175.00 NZD

    We also clear entities from homes & land.

  • Unfortunately the need for the removal of possessions often referred to as exorcisms (a religious term) or the removal of dark and evil powers (demons) & their magick is necessary in certain cases where people have been inhabited and controlled without ability to do anything about it. Demon possessions can be incredibly strong, powerful, dangerous and consuming. The method used to clear these forces means the service can be completed remotely.

    Such demons can also inhabit houses, vehicles & property and can build numbers to create chaos, they can also leave meiii (magick).

    see: Blog


  • Rete & Rette (often referred to as spiritual parasites but are not) are sinister dark magick that is directed to the skin of the head & throat region with Rete (head) affecting the brain. Additionally there are demonic attachments that connect to humans and impact in different ways.

    See: Blog


I prefer that you contact me before making an appointment to ensure you receive the correct service.

Payment Comment
Let me know if you have special circumstances, I’m sure we can work something out to suit you.

Healing can be life-changing, if you are so over the moon with the result of your healing, please feel free to make an extra payment as a form of gratitude, you can use the following account ….

NZ Bank Account: 03 1399 0329 346