What people are saying.

  • Keith's healing has been transformative

    "After working with Keith, I've experienced a profound shift in my energy and overall well-being. Shortly after our session, I noticed a considerable sense of ease, calmness, and lightness within myself. I feel more attuned to my own energy and better protected from lower frequencies, especially in public and at work. Keith's healing has been transformative, and I'm grateful for the positive changes it has brought into my life."


  • Keith can help make positive changes and restore happiness to your life.

    In mid 2024, I had the pleasure of meeting Keith through a networking group. I was immediately captivated by the services offered at Directly Connected Healing. After his presentation, I felt compelled to share my own experiences with him as for the past few years, my life had felt like a rollercoaster, filled with numerous challenges. Keith remotely reviewed me and my house for reasons that may be influencing the feelings I had and the occurrences that continuously plagued me over several years. He advised what he had found and explained the process for addressing what he had identified and to my great relief he was able to assist that very afternoon.

    During our session, Keith identified and removed dark entities that were affecting both me and my home and later he completed a healing for a gut problem. Since then, I have felt significantly lighter and more liberated. It’s hard to put into words, but it feels as though a heavy weight has been lifted. Breathing has become easier, and I move through my day with renewed vigor. I had long sensed that something was amiss, and now I understand what it was.

    Keith is an exceptional communicator with a wealth of experience and knowledge. I highly recommend his services to anyone who feels that something isn't quite right in their life. Keith can help make positive changes and restore happiness to your life.

  • I feel quite different

    I feel quite different like something has gone, I’m lighter, less burdened I guess as I can flare up pretty quickly however I haven’t felt like I’m going to.

    The benefits of what Keith offers are transforming. Roll on life!

    Allan Ballen

  • Thank you for everything you've done.

    Thank you for everything you've done. I can only say that I've almost been on fire with energy since, so much so that I've had to manage myself through so I literally don't burn out! I feel so much more like myself again. I purposely waited out the weekend to see how I managed my way through the business planning retreat. I had thought I may need to conserve and close down a bit if I was running low, but goodness me, I was surprised at how I worked through four days and mental clarity was the biggest change for me really. So grateful for the work Keith completed. Thank you so much.

    Susan Benedek

  • My life is wonderful

    Keith and I met as fellow students in the Wellness Code Health & Life Practitioner Certification Program, and I was genuinely interested in his offerings. I live in alignment with the deep knowing that everything is energy. When Keith was offering remote healing sessions, I grabbed this opportunity with both hands.

    I look forward to working with Keith in future, after all, our cars require a regular service, I sincerely believe, we do too! Those familiar with kinesiology, my experience is similar, and I describe it as an internal massage, moving energy and aligning the positive flow.

    My life is wonderful, but generally, I do experience my ups and downs. I feel after Keith and I have been working together, I am more stable, in tune and in flow.

    A wonderful experience.

    Josephina McDonald

  • All in all, I'm very happy

    One of the most consistent things I've been hearing in the past few weeks is just how 'attracted' people are feeling towards me ... and I mean in a holistic sense and not personal, although that has also taken off in a direction I wasn't expecting! I receive comments pretty much daily on the positivity, peace, calmness, warmth, 'the thing they can't quite put their finger on', and so on. I have even experienced folk introducing me to a friend or colleague as someone they need to meet... I have found this at times to be a little overwhelming but view it as the universe bringing together those of us that need to be at that time. The interesting thing though is that there are some people who previously did not gravitate toward me, who now comment on how they misjudged me... and more noticeable, there are people who have reacted in an oppositional way. A few friends who I thought were close I now find presenting behaviour toward me that I had not expected, or to be more accurate I may have been ignoring. They feel affronted by my ease and also by my ability to keep a boundary. Interesting weeks! And even moreso for the fact that the emotional part does not break me as it used to, it's their journey. I was almost there and now I feel the love and strength to simply let it flow through and not remain within.

    All in all, I'm very happy and feeling that given the issues going on I'm able to manage life well

    Susanah N.N.

  • Thank you, Keith, I’m such a believer in what you do

    Thank you, Keith, I’m such a believer in what you do and especially the work you have done for me over the last while. It’s interesting, we look for a cure to problems we have had for years and don’t expect significant change yet how wrong can we be.

    The services you offer are incredible and some unique but the variety I’ve had all seem to work, it’s very cool, and your explanations of what is wrong are well explained and well received. I have given your name to others and am very grateful I was introduced to you.

    C Weinberg

  • I very much recommend Directly Connected’s services

    I very much recommend Directly Connected’s services as after receiving them remotely I was buzzing.

    I’ve referred a number of people to Keith who have been very happy with the results. I genuinely wish more people would take the steps to help heal themselves and release the burdens that so many have and often don’t always know they have or know why they are ill or lacking energy.

    Douwe Hoogstra