Being a Connected Healer

An Evolving Odyssey

My journey spans from the serene realms of meditation to the reception of graceful spiritual downloads that bestowed upon me energy-healing gifts. I found myself intricately connected to dedicated spirit guides, and powers from regions far beyond the universe, I was graced with powers that unfolded in the mastery of multiple ancient languages (speaking in tongues) and the rhythmic chanting of magick. Venturing further, I embraced modalities encompassing Color energy, Lightwave energy, Magnetism energy, Ultraviolet energy, Hands-on healing, & Spiritual Meli.

In the present, the primary modality I use for all the services I offer is spiritual Terren, the very highest & most powerful spiritual modality. Additionally, and due to my spiritual connection, I am a medium with the unique ability to communicate with all things.

A Profound Journey of Revelation

My personal odyssey has been one of profound transition, transformation, and perpetual learning. It serves as a resounding affirmation of how much lies beyond the confines of our physical selves, yet also how much lies within us and as part of our being which is invisible.

While my status may not be defined by religious adherence, my upbringing certainly was and involved regular church attendance with my parents and siblings and I truly respect others’ beliefs. One can forge connections with the spiritual realm without adhering to religious labels, particularly when you receive gifts. Belief systems are not barriers, for connection with spirit is inclusive and universally accessible to everyone even though you may not hear anything. Religious preferences should in no way prevent anyone from the healings I offer as many of the spirits I communicate with are fundamentally the same as referred to religiously.

Destined Fulfillment

The unfolding of this lifetime was destined to include my immersion in this extraordinary journey. Now, I find myself not merely traversing it but actively living every facet of this purposeful existence, hence the name Directly Connected.

Empowering Healing

For those seeking liberation from the clutches of illness, dysfunction, and disease, my journey extends an invitation. Together, we can navigate a transformative path, offering the prospect of altering not just direction but the very fabric of one's life through the potency of powerful healing.

if you can’t heal or can’t identify a problem, please let me know, we will help.


Person balancing on life and taking risks

Our Spiritual Nature & Innate Intelligence

The profound spiritual nature inherent in our body, coupled with the innate intelligence woven into our being, holds immense significance. Yet, we predominantly associate ourselves with the tangible aspects of our physical body—what we can see and touch.

Our human form, intricate as it is, cannot function in isolation; it is intrinsically entwined with our spiritual essence and the innate spiritual intelligences and energies that reside within. Often, these dimensions elude our conscious perception. Can we truly see them? generally not. However, their presence is felt, experienced in moments of intuitive guidance—manifested as an inner voice, a gut feeling, or the subtle orchestration of answers through tools like pendulums, sways, and muscle tests. The intricate dance between these spiritual elements, our soul and our conscious awareness unfolds in ways beyond our common understanding.

Beyond the confines of our physical body lies a vast expanse that encompasses spiritual guides, the cosmic expanse, and, for many, the divine presence of God. A rich tapestry of possibilities awaits every individual. While some, endowed with unique abilities, have been granted the privilege to connect and employ their gifts in aiding others, the universe itself extends its arms to all. It is a wellspring of support and assistance waiting to be tapped into. My encouragement to you is to embrace this connection, for there is an abundance of energy, both within and beyond the visible boundaries of our corporeal existence.

A ‘Directly Connected’ healing can help renew you and positively change your health. Using the powerful and previously unknown modality of spiritual Terren, healing even with a very complicated diagnosis can happen within days.

An ability to talk with all things ...

An ability to talk with all things ...

our bodies, spirits, souls, ghosts, powers, beings, animals birds, reptiles, fish, insects & more.