Differentiation between Soul Mate and Twin Flame

Spirit can be quite black and white about the meaning of things. As humans we can tend to assume many things, add and create definitions, and apply different interpretations leaving a myriad of opportunity for most to align to some part of what is said, implied, or understood, and that is absolutely fine. I guess the same could be said of the below bullets that spirit has communicated to me albeit with some refinement.

Spirit are all-knowing, what each human individual does in their life, what illnesses and diseases we may experience is all communicated to the universe.

With Soul Mates I think we develop our own understanding of what it means, with Twin Flames it is probably a more spiritually used term, I was unaware until I listened to someone discussing it on Instagram which was also when I was advised to write this blog as there were many conflicts. But it’s one of those things, it doesn’t really matter too much whether we know about it or not, it’s just interesting for some, a guide for some, and unimportant to others.

The below information is reasonably definitive yet will by no means cover everyone’s beliefs, however, it does provide quite a clear differentiation between ‘Soul Mate’ and ‘Twin Flame’.

By all means, give an opinion.


Soul Mate

Definition: Someone you are attracted to energetically and physically, you like being with them.

As your spiritual soul is with you throughout your life from birth to death, often so will your soul mate. Your souls are as if they were one, you relate to each other and understand each other yet there is no magnetism to be together as partners (married or otherwise).

Your Soul Mate …

·        has an energy that matches yours.

·        does not have to be your life partner.

·        will generally remain a friend for life.

·        is someone you enjoy being with, that you can respect and trust more than others, that you can confide in and tell your secrets to and know they will be safe.

·        can be of either sex.

·        are aware of energies and how negative and positive affect people.

·        may or may not be someone you have or have had sexual relations with.

·        is someone you feel passionate about.

·        maybe more than just one person ie you could have 2 or more soul mates.

·        is someone you care about.

·        is someone you generally communicate with regularly or semi-regularly.

·        is someone you don’t want to marry or live the rest of your life with, rather just know they are there.


Twin Flame

Definition: Someone you are aligned to and with spiritually.

A twin flame relationship generally keeps burning. The twin means ‘the same as, the flame refers to ‘communication with spirit’.

Your Twin Flame and you …

·        align with the universe or want to.

·        are both spiritually aware and interested in developing your knowledge.

·        know there is more to life than just standard human content.

·        may have spiritual abilities.

·        like being around people who are spiritual and have a sense of woo.

·        Believe in alignment with spirit or spirituality, and know such alignment will be rewarding.

·        care about people and the world and disapprove of ill-treatment of both.

·        care and understand each other.

·        are intuitive.

·        connect.

·        may be sexually attracted.

·        have a desire to learn and understand more about the universe.

·        are devoted to your beliefs.

·        know you have help at hand, that you are guided, and that you can trust in the universe.

·        may part company, it’s not necessarily a life commitment.

·        Won’t be detrimental to one another, you shouldn’t be concerned or worried by the relationship/connection you have.


Keith Jackson

Healing for all types of illness and dysfunction. Spiritual body alignment, dark entity removal, and connection to spirit / the universe.


Diseases & Dysfunction initiated by Trauma & Karma


Pillars of Health