About my Magick

The Mystique of Magick:             Unveiling Ancient Pathways


In the twilight of existence lies the enigma of magick. But what is this arcane force? How does it diverge from the beguiling spectacle of stage magic? Let us look beyond an illusion, and into the heart of ancient wisdom.

Beyond Illusion: The Essence of Magick

Magick—a word etched in the annals of time—transcends mere trickery. It is not rabbits pulled from hats or vanishing acts beneath the spotlight. It is far more profound. Magick, spelled with a deliberate ‘k,’ distinguishes itself from the mundane, from stage magick and places its identification with ancient civilisations. It is the art of sending instructions across the cosmic tapestry—a dance of intention and power.

The Veil of Ages: Origins and Purpose

Ancient civilisations wove magick into their very fabric. Entities—ethereal companions—melded with humanity, sharing secrets of the cosmos. Magick flowed through their veins, not solely for healing but as a symphony of power. Yet, as epochs unfurled, the tether weakened. Chaos and greed tainted its essence. Imagine, if you will, politicians wielding magick—their intentions inscribed in starlight.

My Path: A Healer’s Journey

My magick mirrors the ancients’. Bound to magickal entities, I traverse realms unseen. But my purpose diverges—I am a steward of light. Dark energies, entities, and malevolent spells yield to my touch. Where light blooms, shadows retreat. My toolbox brims with ancient tongues—forty languages woven into incantations. With each syllable, I mend the cosmic fabric.

Gifts Shared: A Growing Circle

I gift magick to kindred souls—a select few presently but a large group it will be. Their abilities burgeon over time, commencing with but two wonderful healing modalities. Healing, transformation and changing darkness to light, are our quests.

The Triad of Modalities

My journey spans diverse realms. Ancient Magick etched in starfire, Galactic Penden currents coursing through my veins, and Meli, a significant spiritual modality. These modalities weave my tapestry – my legacy.

Closing the Circle

Are you drawn to the mystique? Seek me out. Together, we’ll tread the path of magick and more, bridges between worlds. Together we can help heal the universe’s heartbeat.


With love and light

Keith Jackson
Healer & Guardian of Light

Keith Jackson

Healing for all types of illness and dysfunction. Spiritual body alignment, dark entity removal, and connection to spirit / the universe.


8th Dimension Ascension


Spiritual Communication.