8th Dimension Ascension

Unlocking the Path of Ascension: A Journey Beyond the Mundane


As we stand at the precipice of existence, gazing toward the cosmic horizon, we encounter a profound truth: ascension. It beckons to us—an ethereal dance of transformation, veiled in mystery and whispered by the winds of the unseen. But what is ascension? How do we traverse its luminous path? And why does it matter?

The Enigma of Ascension

Ascension, like a celestial waltz, defies our earthly senses. It is not a linear ascent, nor a mere climb toward the heavens. Instead, it is a metamorphosis—an alchemical fusion of spirit and matter. As we ascend, we change, spiritually and physically in ways both subtle and profound. Yet, paradoxically, these shifts often elude our conscious awareness. We do not see them; we do not always feel them, they unfold silently.

The Invisible Tapestry of Change

Imagine threads of light weaving through the fabric of existence. These threads—subtle, potent—initiate the dance of ascension. Each individual, a unique note in the cosmic symphony, perceives these changes differently. Some notice immediate shifts—a newfound clarity, a surge of vitality. Others tread more softly, their transformation unfolding like a delicate blossom at dawn. Timing is bespoke - a whispered secret shared between soul and universe.

The Sacred Mandate

Why ascend? Spirit, in its boundless wisdom, implores us to ascend. It yearns for our collective elevation, urging healers and wayfarers alike to amplify this celestial call. Why? Because ascension is not solitary; it is communal. Almost all possess the latent ability to ascend—to transcend the mundane and ascend to the 5th dimension. This, my fellow travelers, is the universal goal—the cosmic heartbeat resonating through time.

Beyond the Veil: The 13 Dimensions

Yet the journey does not halt at the 5th dimension. There are 13 dimensions—a cosmic ladder ascending toward infinity. With each step, we inch closer to authenticity, alignment, and purpose. Imagine: more joy, vibrant health, boundless energy, and crystalline clarity. Ascension is not a leap; it is a gradual ascent—a cosmic staircase leading us home.

The Privilege of the 8th Dimension

And now, a revelation: Spirit has bestowed upon me the honour of guiding souls to the 8th dimension. Here, the veils thin, and the celestial currents embrace us. Take this opportunity, walk with me, hand in hand, as we traverse the luminous realms. Ascend, not merely toward the stars, but toward your own luminosity.

A Humble Note

Yet, tread cautiously, for not all who soar are truly ascended. Some gifted souls, their talents aflame, remain anchored in the earthly tapestry. To healers, I extend a plea: verify. Ascension is not assumed; it is confirmed. Seek reassurance; seek another’s gaze upon your wings. For most dwell in the 3rd dimension—a realm of shadows and echoes. Let us ascend together, healers and seekers alike.

Your Call to Ascend

Are you a healer? A seeker? A whisperer of cosmic secrets? Reach out, I am here - a guide, a bridge between realms. Ascend, and let the cosmic winds carry you beyond the mundane. Ascend, for within your transformation lies the symphony of the cosmos.

With reverence and starlight,

Keith Jackson 

Keith Jackson

Healing for all types of illness and dysfunction. Spiritual body alignment, dark entity removal, and connection to spirit / the universe.


Vibration, Frequency, and sensing.


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