Is time going faster?

Many people are saying that the days seem to be zooming by much more quickly than normal and an hour has lost time, it simply doesn’t seem to equate to 60 minutes, but in actual fact it’s just the same but there are some anomalies!

What’s it all about?

It’s all to do with ‘ENERGY CHANGE’ which some refer to as ‘The New Earth’ but energy change is the more appropriate terminology.

We have and are still experiencing energy change all over the earth, some refer to this as climate change (not to be confused with global warming which is a separate real problem). and it will subside. When energy changes it affects all things including ourselves and some will notice or experience such change more than others, why, because they are more spiritually aligned or are growing closer to their authentic selves and it’s this that ENERGY CHANGE is all about, it’s a spiritual change, an opportunity to wake-up, to live consciously and be more guided by the universe.

Energy change is giving us – in fact everyone, the opportunity to communicate with spirit / with the universe and be guided by the messages we are given rather than operate in remote-control-mode (subconscious mode). We need to be fully conscious of who we are and what we do, the journey we want to be on, the pathway we walk, the people we associate with. Being guided by the universe is the new course for those wanting change for themselves, the earth, and all that surrounds us.

How do we become closer to spirit / the universe?

1.      Communicating with the universe through prayer or just talk are a couple of ways, directing your wants, needs, manefestations, guidence etc is best done directed to your guide, we all have them. Just chat away, even though you cant see or get direct response, ask for help for yourself and others, ask for healing, ask for guidance, ask to be closer and to become aligned with the universe. Receive answers intuitvely, by gut feeling or simply, just await outcomes, assistance will be provided in some form if you are genuine, and if you beleive.

2.      Let me know, contact me, and I can align you if you wish, this is part of what I do and am being asked to do as ENERGY CHANGE picks up pace, its free. Click this link…

3.      Communicate / talk to your own body’s ‘Re’ energy. Your Re energy is an innate energy we all have and your body will listen and also support you where possible.

So why does time seem faster?

For those with spiritual connection (with or without gifts and abilities) your energy is operating in more than one dimension. With ENERGY CHANGE, on earth we are moving (generally) from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension, the higher we move up dimensions the closer to spirit we become, there are 13 dimensions in all. When healing I align clients’ spiritual body ie chakra’s, spiritual meridian energy, and body rhythm, this is both necessary to assist physical body healing but it helps our spiritual and physical being and one of the spiritual bonuses is that we move up dimensions because we are more spiritually aligned in and around our own body, we certainly aren’t just a physical body.

However, there is more to the dimension aspect, when I say that those with a spiritual connection can notice time going faster it’s because on earth we are in one dimension but our energy operates and connects with another dimension, a spiritual dimension – where there is no time, everything is now – including the past, present, and future. Because of this connection, it’s like we are operating in a vortex – a vortex of two dimensions – normal and spiritual. Not everyone who is spiritually connected will notice this time anomaly but many will / do and it’s more noticeable due to the change in energy.

As a separate service I also ascend people from their current dimension up to the 8th dimension; health, authenticity, and frequency benefits are some of the bonuses from ascension.

I trust this helps grow your understanding.


Keith Jackson

Healing for all types of illness and dysfunction. Spiritual body alignment, dark entity removal, and connection to spirit / the universe.

Hearing Voices


Diseases & Dysfunction initiated by Trauma & Karma